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The Wee Scotch Piper Page 9



  Ian was once more in search of Betty. The story of King Bruce echoed inhis ears and spurred him on. Roy, too, seemed to be inspired with newhope. He sniffed and ran, and ran and sniffed. Every once in a while,he would let out short, sharp barks.

  "Do not weary yourself, lad," said Ian. "We have long to go this day,and we'll not give up."

  With these words the boy began to whistle. A happiness seemed to comesuddenly to him as though he already had Betty safe in his arms.

  For many hours the boy and dog climbed and walked. At last they foundthemselves in a wild, rugged portion of the country, where Ian hadnever before been. Rocks were all about him. He descended into giantcaverns.

  He called, "Betty!" and received only an echo for reply. He wentfarther until it was so late that he could not think of returning home.He would surely lose his way in the darkness, if he attempted it. So hecurled himself up between two massive rocks and, with Roy nestlingclose to his side, fell fast asleep.


  At dawn, Ian was awakened by Roy. The dog was barking and making wilddashes in the direction of a large gulch near by.

  He ran madly to the gulch, then dashed back again to Ian. His barkscame in hysterical gasps.

  Ian ran with Roy to the edge of the gulch. Looking down, the boy saw aterrible sight. Hanging on to a ragged ledge was a large mother sheep.It was one of his own father's, as he could see by the markings on thewool. The poor creature was bleating. A few feet above the ledge stoodher baby lamb.

  At each of Roy's barks, the mother sheep gave a little jump, and theledge of rock quivered. Ian thought surely it would break and the sheepwould be dashed to pieces on the rocks below.

  "Down, down!" commanded Ian in the same voice as his father used to thedog.

  Roy crouched and whined, but stopped his barking. Ian remembered thatsome of the mother sheep distrusted the dog. So it would be impossiblefor Roy to show himself now. What must be done must be done by Ianhimself.

  While the boy climbed down the precipitous rocks, the faithful dog,deprived of his rightful work, whined and howled. Had he not beentrained to obey, he would never have stayed. But to a shepherd dog, amaster's word is law. Roy watched his young friend as the boy made theperilous descent to rescue the terrified animal on the ledge.

  The sheep was large, and its wool weighed heavily. But Ian grasped thecreature firmly. With all his might, he pulled until he had it on therock above. When the baby lamb saw its mother coming, it uttered loud,joyous bleatings.

  Ian could only think that the sheep had been led astray by his father'snew dog. He was worried for fear that there were others which hadstrayed beyond. He decided to see, and started off beyond the rockhill.

  But when Roy began to drive the mother sheep along, she became veryangry. She ran at him with her head lowered. Roy could not manage her.She refused to obey him and Ian.

  The boy, who carried a crook like his father's, was forced to resort tothe only means of bringing her to order. With a quick sweep of thecrook, he caught the baby sheep. He lifted it in his arms.

  "Now, you'll come away," he said to the mother, as he walked on.Snorting, the mother sheep was forced to follow.

  On and on walked Ian and Roy. And now the hunt was not only for Betty,but for more of his father's herd. Ian thought he would find some thatmight have been led astray by the new dog.

  At noon he sat down to eat his "piece," which he carried in hissporran. When he had finished, he started for a clear stream near by.

  As he approached, he thought he saw one of the grayish rocks in thestream moving. He rubbed his eyes. Could it be a reflection from thewater? No. It was moving slowly.

  Ian approached faster. What was his amazement at finding the gray rockto be his own Betty! It was his Betty, thin and ragged, and stumblingalong on her front knees, too weak to raise her feet. Poor littlebeast!

  She was nearly dead. As Ian raised her up, he realized that he hadfound her just in time. The creature seemed to know the boy, for shenestled down in his arms as of yore. In spite of her suffering, sheseemed perfectly happy, now that her Ian was found.



  Spring! Each day found an eager, watchful boy, a happy, sweet-facedsheep dog, and a large fleecy lamb standing on the Rob Roy Brig. Theywere awaiting in glad anticipation a visitor, who was expected andwhose music would soon reach the happy ears of a future piper.

  Ian Craig had never allowed his Betty to roam after that frightfulepisode. She had been kept in a little corral, which Ian built for her.When he came home from school, he took her with him to the brig. Hefastened her to a massive rock, while he awaited the return of Sandy.


  Betty was now almost as fat and big as the other sheep. She was acredit to the boy's good care. So proud of her was Ian that he oftentied a lovely tartan ribbon about her neck. He combed her wooltenderly each day before he started off for the brig.

  Day after day, the two waited. Meanwhile, Roy looked on with kindlyeyes, although he did not understand it all. Of course, Betty wasequally ignorant of why she was made to pose with a floppy bow aroundher neck, tied to an annoying rock. But she was content, for Ian stayedbeside her.

  Sometimes as Ian watched and waited, he thought he heard the bagpipesin the distance. And as he heard, his heart beat faster. The moment ofbliss when he could claim his reward, seemed to be upon him.

  Then he often looked at Betty, and a qualm seized him. How could hepart with the lamb? He had been through trouble and sorrow for thelittle animal. He had lived many happy hours by her side. It was asthough she had become his own. The thought of parting from her was likea stab. Then, too, Betty loved him.

  At these times, the poor little boy would knit his brow and ponder uponthe strangeness of life.

  Then he thought of the pipers and the tale of Dunblane, where thestalwart lads marched and played. He thought of the glorious piperbands marching in the big towns. The thought made him brighten andjump from the brig and scan the country for a sign of Sandy.

  But the days of budding blossoms and showers in Scotland wore on.Finally Betty's ribbon bow began to fade and Ian's patience to wear.

  Little Elsie Campbell used at times to walk with the boy to the brig.Often he stopped on the walk and talked to her, as he cocked his headon one side.

  "Do you not hear the din of pipes, Elsie?" he asked.

  And the wee lassie shook her head and said, "Ach, no, lad. 'Tis daftyou are with your pipes!"

  But it was said kindly, for Elsie hoped and prayed that Sandy wouldreturn. You see, Ian had told her the story of Betty and how he waitedfor the promised pipes. It was, in fact, Elsie who had first tied thesilken tartan ribbon about the lamb's neck.

  It was a gray day which promised rain. Ian and Betty neared the brigtogether. Ian had just tied the creature to her accustomed rock and waslifting himself to the wall when he heard a sound. Pipes! Unmistakablypipes!

  Still, he had been mistaken so often before that he dared not look. AndElsie was not there to-day. She would have told him. For in her earsthe sound was not always droning as it had been in Ian's for manydays.

  He had not told his mother for fear of worrying her. But his head wasoften heavy, and he could not sleep with the sound of the bagpipes.Poor little Ian! If only Sandy would return!

  On this dull, misty day as he swung his feet from the wall of the brig,Ian could not stop the sound. Nearer and nearer it came!

  Then, "Bonny laddie, Highland laddie," chanted the pipes. Ian looked upand saw standing before him his Sandy!

  Although he was as red and wrinkled and twinkling as before, there wasa change. Sandy was very shabby. His coat was stained with the mud andrain of many hard days.

  He stopped his playing and stood before the boy. A sad, longing lookcame into his eyes.

  "Ian, lad," he said slowly, "'tis Sandy come back."

  And Ian suddenly re
alized that it was all true and not one of hisdreams. He jumped down from the wall and threw his arms about Sandy.

  "Ach, Sandy," he cried. Then he stood back and pointed to the lamb.Evidently Sandy had not noticed it.

  "And do you not see our beastie, Sandy? 'Tis the same you left with me,and well and fat she is."

  Sandy turned and looked at Betty. But he did not talk as Ian hadexpected him to, nor did he compliment Ian on the lamb's well-being.He only stood fingering his pipes and slowly shaking his head.


  As Ian stared in wonderment, the piper lifted his bagpipes from hisshoulder and handed them to the boy.

  "Your pipes are here, lad, and Sandy keeps his promise!" he said.

  Without thinking Ian put out his arms to receive the instrument. Hiseyes, however, did not leave his friend's face.

  "But, Sandy, these are your own pipes you're giving me!" he said, as ifhe could hardly believe it, after looking down at what Sandy had placedin his arms.

  "Ay, lad," answered Sandy, "and now you can be a fine piper, and Sandyhimself will teach you to play."

  Then Sandy told Ian the sad story of Jamie Robinson. He explained howhe had sold nearly all his worldly goods to help the little family andput them on their feet again. He told of how he had left themcomfortably settled near a prosperous village. He had made Jamiepromise to work and save for his little brood.

  Sandy also told how he had come all the way to keep his promise to theboy. He said, too, that now, as in Aberfoyle there was no piper, heexpected to stay here and take Jamie Robinson's place if Ian would lendhim his pipes each day for awhile. And in return, he would teach thelad to play!

  "For I'm not so young as I was, laddie, and the wandering life is overfor me," he added.

  When Ian heard these plans, he was beside himself with joy. He huggedfirst Sandy, then Roy, and then Betty. At last the piper became his oldjolly self once more and laughed.

  "Ay, lad, we'll share the pipes together, though they belong to you.But old Sandy will have to make a living, and he'll teach you all thetunes he knows!"

  No happier boy than Ian Craig lived in Scotland that night. Standingbefore the door of the cottage, he puffed and blew on his pipes. Thereissued forth the sound of a thousand sheep all bleating at once but allin pain! Sandy listened from his tent on the hill opposite and chuckledto himself.

  Roy was also in pain as he listened. His delicate ears were unused tothis shrieking and squealing. He joined in the din with loud howls.

  The baby within the house was in sympathy, too, and added her wails.

  So Sandy's first evening as a resident in Aberfoyle was not a quietone. He was forced to stop his ears.

  Mrs. Craig was unable to stand the racket. So she pulled her puffingson into the house and packed him off to bed, to the great relief ofall.


  But Ian was a quick and hard-working pupil. It was not long before Royquite approved of the sounds his master made on his pipes. He did notthen feel it necessary to amend the melody.

  Also the baby gurgled with glee. She puffed out her cheeks in imitationof Ian and laughed happily. And Betty, the lamb, too, seemed to knowthat all was well. The world was in tune with the wee Scotch piper whohad, at last, realized his dreams.

  * * * * *

  "'Tis the close of the day At the foot of the ben, And the sound of his pipes Echoes back through the glen."



  It was a cloudless day in the big Scotch city. The people seemed tofeel that something unusual was about to happen. Everyone wore hisbest, and the city fairly shone with the reds and blues and greens oftartan kilts and bonnets.

  Soldiers paraded the streets. Children hurried along by their parents'sides, anxious to arrive at the big grand stand in time. Numerousbystanders flanked the wide street.

  All the people were breathless with excitement. Even the usualcrowding traffic suspended its pushing and shrill tooting. For thiswas a great day in Scotland. Many celebrations occur at intervals inthis land of excursions and picnics. But to-day was as the childrenwould say, "extra special."

  The huge grand stand was overcrowded with eager Scotchmen, with theirwives and bairns. They all strained their eyes for a glimpse of thegreat "kiltie band," which was to march down the street.

  Among those who watched, and perhaps the most eager of all, were afamily of country folk. In bobbing black bonnet sat a calm-faced oldlady. Beside her was a rugged old man. Both were in their best array.Both were longing for the sight they had come miles from their littlefarm to see.


  The couple were none other than Alan Craig and his wife. The sight thattheir old eyes would soon see, as the happy tears dimmed their view,would be their son, their Ian. He was now a tall, manly piper in kilteduniform, marching and piping with the flower of Scotland's army.

  By their side sat another. His kindly face shone with pride, and in hisheart was a singing joy.

  For Sandy MacGregor had taught this lad to play. It was the same oldpipes of Sandy MacGregor that he still used. He would soon show thosepipes to a cheering crowd as his fingers flew over the chanter. Whilehe played, his arm would shelter the tartan bellows once sheltered bySandy's own arm as the old piper had wandered over hill and throughdale.

  Sandy MacGregor had lived many years for this moment. As he craned hisneck for a sight of the coming parade, he spoke to the little girlbeside him.

  "See, Betty, 'tis they coming now."

  Betty, Ian's baby sister, was now a girl of the age Ian had been whenfirst Sandy had met him.

  Together, Betty and Sandy had dreamed and planned the day whentogether they would view their piper laddie on parade.

  For Sandy had dwelt in the village of Aberfoyle these many years. Whilehe had piped for his living, he had taught another piper, who was nowto cover his old teacher with glory.

  In the large audience there was still another, whose blue eyes dancedwith joy. Her hands were clasped together with excitement as sheawaited the approach of her boyhood friend. It was little ElsieCampbell, now grown to womanhood. Elsie was among those who thrilled tosee the "wee Scotch piper," as he marched along that day.

  Who knows with what feelings of pride the lad looked up as he passedthat grand stand? Who knows his feelings of love, on seeing those dearfaces smiling and nodding at him?

  And as he marched and played, he seemed to see before him a littleschoolboy marching and playing. That boy was himself, trudging thestreets of a wee village, followed by a bleating lamb!