Little Jeanne of France Read online

Page 4

  All about were seated ladies and children. The children were in smartattire, with interested and curious little faces that peered and staredat the live puppet as she walked about.

  As Jeanne passed a little girl with hair and eyes as dark as her own anda wistful look, the gray-haired lady sitting beside the little girlstopped Jeanne.

  "What a beautiful frock!" she said, and touched the hem of the garmentgently.


  Jeanne and the little girl looked at each other.

  Auntie Sue came over to them.

  Madame Villard smiled at the dressmaker and asked, "Do you think thatthis style would become my little granddaughter?"

  Suzanne looked quickly at Margot. Margot's big brown eyes werefastened eagerly upon the child whom she had called a lucky little girl.

  "Yes, Madame," answered Auntie Sue. "With her brown eyes and slightfigure, the little mademoiselle should wear the frock as well as Jeannedoes."

  Madame and Auntie Sue then talked for some time about the frock.

  Jeanne went about the large audience, with Margot's wondering eyesfollowing her every movement.

  At last Jeanne finished showing all the garments. The young modeldisappeared behind the screen, and the audience began to leave.

  Auntie Sue was showing a closet full of clothes to Madame Villard whosemany purchases made the pencil of Auntie Sue skip over the page and herheart skip with gladness.

  This was, of course, dull for Margot, and Margot was not used to thingsbeing dull. She sat in the empty room, while Grandmother talked andlooked at clothes and paid no attention to her.

  The little girl began to walk about the shop. She peered at the floppydolls on the tables and at the quaint hat stands and show-cases.

  She came to the screen behind which Jeanne had disappeared. She longedto peep behind that screen. She edged up close and tried to look throughthe cracks to the back.

  She heard a tiny sound. Then words: "Down with the Bastille(b[.a]s-t[=e]l')!"

  Margot pressed her head against the screen to hear better. The screenbegan to topple. Over it went. There was a muffled sound, and Jeannestood up and faced Margot.

  Jeanne was now in her own simple clothes. She held the Pierrot puppet,who was, however, still grandly dressed.

  She stared hard at Margot and then at the fallen screen. Margot stared,too. Then Margot managed to remember her manners.

  "Excuse me," she said. "I did not mean to knock down the screen."

  Jeanne smiled and picked up the screen, while Margot helped her set itin place. When it again stood erect, Margot found herself outside andJeanne inside. They were separated as before.

  For a few moments there was silence from both sides of the screen. Thencame a giggle from one side and a giggle from the other.

  And then from the outside, "May I come back and see you?"

  From the inside, "Yes, do come!"

  Margot went behind the screen, and for the first time in her life shelearned the magic of real play.

  Jeanne had one plaything: a little forsaken puppet. But with love andtenderness she made him a hero.

  Jeanne told Margot about Pierrot. She told that he was no longer thebuffoon--the poor mistreated clown. He was now a hero.

  He could play a knight or a king--Napoleon! She told Margot that Pierrotwas Napoleon in one of her plays and that she was Joan of Arc.

  Margot lived in another world for the space of an hour. Then the twolittle girls were called back suddenly by a voice from the room.

  "Margot, Margot! Child! Where are you?"

  Grandmother was looking for her.

  Margot and Jeanne stepped out from behind the screen and foundGrandmother preparing to leave. Auntie Sue stood beside her with penciland pad.

  "Thank you, Madame," said Auntie Sue gratefully, "for your splendidorder to-day. It was indeed kind of you to make so many purchases at mylittle shop."

  Madame answered, "I am truly pleased with your charming wares, my dearMademoiselle Moreau. Besides, you know, my dear friend Major d'Artrot isalso a friend of yours."

  "But Madame," said Auntie Sue, as the grandmother and her little Margotstarted out of the door, "I have not yet taken your name. I do notknow--."

  "Of course, of course," laughed Madame Villard. "How very forgetful ofme! Please write my name and address, so you will know where to send thelittle things."

  Suzanne seated herself at a tiny desk and, with pencil poised, looked upat the sweet face above her.

  Madame dictated: "Madame Paul Villard. Avenue Champs Elysees."

  The pencil dropped from Auntie Sue's hand. Her head fell forward. Jeannerushed over to the little desk and caught Auntie Sue as she was about tofall.

  "Auntie, Auntie dear, what is the matter?" she cried.

  Little Margot picked up the pencil while both children and MadameVillard hovered over the desk.

  Suzanne rested her head on her hand and whispered, "It is all right. Iam all right now. I was only a bit faint. Oh, I am so sorry, dearMadame."


  Auntie Sue was soon up upon her sprightly little feet again. Smilinglyshe bowed Madame and her granddaughter out of the door. But when theyhad left the shop, Suzanne went to her room, and Jeanne did not see heragain that day.



  Margot took off the telephone receiver and asked for a number. It wasearly next morning, and the child was not yet dressed.

  She was in kimono and slippers and had tiptoed into the living room.

  "Hello," said a voice at the other end of the wire.

  "Hello," said Margot. "I want to speak with Jeanne, if you please."

  Margot had talked of nothing but Jeanne from the time she had left theshop. She had fallen asleep last night to the tune of Pierrot dreams,fiery steeds, and gallant armored knights.

  Grandmother promised that she might ask Jeanne to play with her to-day.They would go for a long drive. They would go to the park and to theGuignol. There was nobody like Jeanne--nobody that Margot had ever met.

  "Is this Jeanne?" asked Margot, as the little girl's voice came over thetelephone.


  "This is Margot. Can you go out with me to-day? I shall call for you attwo."

  It was a command, but little Margot was not aware of that. She did notmean it that way. She only meant to have what she wanted, as she usuallydid.

  "But I must first ask Auntie," Jeanne replied.

  "Oh, she will let you go," declared Margot. "You may tell her that weshall take care of you and bring you back safely."

  Margot waited while Jeanne ran to Auntie's room. Jeanne had not seenAuntie since the afternoon before, when she had so mysteriouslydisappeared in her room after her fainting spell. Jeanne found Auntie apale and worried Auntie this morning.

  "Oh, Auntie dear," cried Jeanne, throwing her arms about Suzanne's neck,"you are not well."

  Suzanne assured the child that she was quite well, and so she was. Theonly trouble was with the little man who is nothing but a voice and iscalled Conscience. He had been talking to her all night and keeping herawake.

  When Jeanne told what Madame Villard's grandchild wanted, it seemed thatSuzanne flinched at the name.

  But she smiled and answered, "Yes, dear. Tell her you will go. It willbe so nice for you. And to-day is Sunday. There is no work."

  Jeanne was only a child, and she longed to go with her new littlefriend. She longed to ride in the big motor and to play. But shehesitated just for a minute.

  "You are sure you will not need me, dear Auntie?" she asked.

  "Run along and tell the little girl you are coming," laughed Auntie Sue.

  When Jeanne closed the door behind her, Suzanne Moreau's smile faded.She held her throbbing head in her two hands.

  How she longed to tell some one of her sufferings! If only she daredconfide her story to the Major!

  But she valued that honorable gentleman's
friendship so much that shefeared to lose it by admitting what she now felt to be her terriblecrime. Conscience was making her think that--Conscience, together withthe face in the locket!

  And now Jeanne was going out with little Margot--her own cousin! Margotwould take her in a beautiful car. Margot would wear beautifulclothes. They would play with beautiful toys.

  Ah, poor little Jeanne! It was hard for Suzanne, with these thoughts, tokeep a smiling face until Jeanne had left with Margot.



  Through Paris in a fine motor car! How often Jeanne had seen these samesights! But now how splendid it all seemed to the little girl, as shesat beside Margot, with Pierrot firmly clasped in her hand! For Pierrothad been invited, too. I doubt whether Margot would have welcomed Jeanneas heartily without Pierrot. Pierrot was half of the performance.

  They rode through Paris. They passed the Place de la Concorde (plaesd[)e] lae kon-kord'), that most beautiful of city squares, where a sightnot so beautiful once stood. It was here that the guillotine had stood.It is the terrible instrument which beheaded so many people in thosefrightful, stormy days of old.


  The square was then called Place de la Revolution (plaes d[)e] laer[)e]v-[=o]-l[=u]'-sy[=o]n). But now the name, "Place de la Concorde,"means "Place of Peace."

  They crossed bridges. There are thirty-two bridges in Paris. Some ofthese are very beautiful. Curiously, the oldest of these, a bridge begunin 1578, is called Pont Neuf (pon nuf), which means "New Bridge."

  They passed the Louvre (l[=oo]'-vr'), once a palace. It is now thelargest museum in the world. Here such famous works of art as theVenus de Milo (v[=e]'-nus d[)e] m[=e]'-l[=o]) and the Mona Lisa(m[=o]'-nae l[=e]'-zae) are to be seen.


  The Arc de Triomphe (aerk d[)e] tr[=e]'-onf') stands as a memorial to thegreat victories of the French general, Napoleon I. It is an arch ofsplendor set in the center of branching wide avenues.


  For Paris is a city noted for beauty. It was planned and built anddreamed, while most other cities, like Topsy, the colored girl, "justgrowed."

  Paris, with its avenues lined with trees, its wide streets and spaciousparks, did not "just grow." It was a dream before it was built, and nowit is that dream realized.

  The little girls passed the spot where the Bastille once stood. Thiswas the famous prison into which people were thrown by the French kings,usually without fair trial. But one day the Parisians marched againstthe Bastille and burned it to the ground.


  The little girls passed the Tuileries (tw[=e]l-r[=e]'), which arefairy-like gardens. They are a children's paradise, and part of thedream that Paris is.


  Margot and Jeanne watched the people sitting outside of cafes on thestreets. They watched the fashionable strollers along the boulevards.

  For Paris is well dressed, both inside and out. French cooking is anart, as is everything that these art-loving people attempt.

  At the end of their happy day the little girls drove to the park. Theysat upon a bench beneath shady trees and they watched a Guignol play.

  They had chatted and laughed and now were the very best of friends.Margot was a happy little girl that day. She had learned from Jeanne howto play.

  "Sit still, Pierrot," scolded Jeanne softly so that only Margot mighthear.

  "Pierrot, you shall never come again if you do not behave!" continuedJeanne.

  Margot was laughing, for she could see Pierrot bouncing up and down onthe bench. Of course the other children couldn't see it, but Jeanne toldMargot about it. So she could see plainly what this naughty puppet wasdoing.

  "Oh, dear!" whispered Jeanne to Margot. "He will do something dreadfulwhen Guignol comes on the stage. You know he cannot bear Guignol!"

  There now was an ugly, red-nosed clown in the play. He had takenPierrot's place after that day when poor Pierrot had been abandoned.

  "Here comes Guignol!" exclaimed Margot.

  Guignol slid upon the stage and fell flop!--on his nose. Guignol beganto dance. But again he tripped over his big feet and landed puff!--onhis stomach.

  He stood up, grunting and groaning and puffing, and again he danced.

  Margot and Jeanne watched Pierrot bouncing up and down. Jeanne had tocatch Pierrot's hat each time it flew off, as it did whenever Guignolfell down on the stage.

  Pierrot's hair stood up like wire, and the cap went up in the air. Atleast, that is what Jeanne said it did!

  When the fight came, they could not hold Pierrot. He kicked and squirmedand waved his arms.

  Jeanne was so shocked when his cap flew off and hit a gentleman in theeye! Margot was embarrassed, too. They scolded and spanked Pierrot, butit did no good.

  "He wants to be in the play," whispered Jeanne. "I have spoiled him bymaking him the hero, and now he cannot watch Guignol!"

  The children were relieved when at last the play was over. They werethen able to take the unruly puppet away and bundle him into the car.

  "My child always disgraces me! But we cannot blame him," said Jeanne,shaking her head like a fond but troubled mother. "He was so abusedbefore, and now he has discovered what a great actor he is, and what ahero!"

  "Oh, but Pierrot is splendid!" answered Margot.

  And pop!--went a button on Pierrot's suit. His chest puffed out, and hishat flew off. The children laughed.


  When Margot left Jeanne at the door of Auntie Sue's Shop, she wanted toknow when they should be together again. She asked when they should playmore of Jeanne's stories with Pierrot.

  Jeanne did not tell Margot that she would not be able to play again formany days. Work would interfere. Work was always there to stop play.

  But Jeanne did not say this to Margot. Margot would not have understood.Jeanne only told her that she hoped they would meet soon again.

  So with her puppet in her arms, she stepped out of the car. She steppedout of the car and out of a different world from her own.

  And Margot planned all the way home to repeat to-day's pleasuresto-morrow and to-morrow and to-morrow. Little, spoiled Margot!



  Margot's to-morrow and again to-morrow with Jeanne did not come to pass.

  Margot discovered she could not disturb the little girl's workaday life.It greatly annoyed Margot that, for the first time in her life, shecould not wave her wand and command what she wished.

  "I want her! I want to play with her!" exclaimed the pouting Margot,stamping her foot.

  She had just called Jeanne on the telephone. Jeanne had told her thatit would be impossible to go to the Guignol or play.

  To-day was a week day, and from school Jeanne was obliged to hurry hometo help Auntie Sue in the shop.

  "Come, Margot, child," pleaded Grandmother. "Do not fret. We shall takeanother child to-day. Grandmother will telephone for you."

  "They are all stupid! I want Jeanne!" insisted the little girl.

  So Margot went to the Guignol with her nurse. She went again and again.All the time, she thought of the happy day she had spent there withJeanne and Pierrot.

  While Margot was watching the puppets one day, she noticed a childstanding outside the gate looking in. It was Jeanne.

  Jeanne was coming home from school and, as she often did, was watchingGuignol's antics for a few brief moments.

  Margot jumped up and, to the astonishment of her nurse, she ran over toJeanne.

  "Jeanne, how happy I am to see you! Come in. Come! We shall see theGuignol together," she cried.


  But Jeanne shook her head, and her eyes were sad.

  "I should like to, Margot," she answered. "But Auntie is wa
iting. I mustgo."

  They stood there together for several moments. During those moments,Margot caught once more the spell of Jeanne's play magic.

  For Jeanne played always. She played while she talked or dressed orwalked. And while she watched the Guignol, her playing was alwayssplendid. Margot caught the spell.

  Long after Jeanne had left she sat and played her own dream plays, whilethe play of the Guignol went on in front of her. Often after that day,Margot saw Jeanne hurrying home. But Jeanne never stopped again.

  Jeanne often saw Margot after that day, but she hardly turned her headtoward the park. She kept hurrying on because she was afraid of thetears that lived just behind her eyes when she passed the Guignol.

  Those tears might at any moment break through the doors of her eyes. AndMargot must not see that!

  As Margot watched Jeanne, she wondered whether, after all, the littlepuppet was such a lucky little girl. She began to think of a reallylucky little girl whose name was Margot!

  One day when Margot came home, she said to Grandmother, "Grandmotherdear, I have at last thought what you may give me on my birthday."

  Grandmother took her hand.

  "I am glad, cherie," she answered, "because the day is drawing near."

  "If I may take Jeanne with me to the Bois and spend the day there, thatis all I wish," said Margot.

  "And no party?" Grandmother looked surprised.